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How to pack when moving house!

Sigma Removals

Updated: May 16, 2024

Packing a box.
How to Pack When Moving House

Now we have got Christmas out the way and the craziness has stopped, it may be time for you to start thinking about your up-and-coming house move. You may be thinking I have loads of time, but believe me it soon creeps up on you, no more procrastination and more organisation. I hope that you find this blog helpful. I am going to start with sorting through the house, work out what you need and no longer require. Then we will look at the best packing method to help reduce stress for you and help your chosen removal companies on moving day.

I love a sort; it drives my kids mad. I regularly sort through each room and work out what we need, want or no longer require (that cardboard box my daughter bought home from school and told me it was a TV, has now been recycled!!!) Some people are better than others and I completely understand that life is busy and that job you were meant to do last week is now 6 months down the line. Therefore, having a good sort before you move house is the best thing anyone can do. Not only does it help when settling into the new property, but it may save you money with your chosen removal companies.

Top Tip 1:

Choose an area within the house that needs your biggest focus. This might be the garage, shed, attic or bedroom. Sort through every draw and cupboard, get rid of anything that is no longer used, is too small, is broken or won’t fit in the new property. DO NOT throw straight in the bin. Once you start you will realise how much stuff you no longer require. You may find you have a pile for the rubbish, a pile for charity and a pile that could be sold making you a few extra pounds. Look into selling any items within your local area, ours is Newton Abbot, on social media platforms like Vinted or Facebook. I would continue to do this throughout the house until you are happy that everything you are taking to your new home will fit and be used. This is when we start the packing process.

Top Tip 2:

When starting the packing process choose an area or room that you know you are least likely to need before moving day. By now you will have discussed with your removal company what furniture needs to be collapsed and if all the draws need to be emptied. If you haven’t asked these questions, DO IT NOW. When you know what needs to be boxed you can start your packing process. My general rule of thumb is anything that can go in a box, must go in a box. Ensure that each box is clearly labelled with which room and if the box is fragile or not. Once packed, stack the boxes in the corner of the room so that you have space to work. If there is any furniture that needs to be collapsed, you can do this at this stage or a couple days before you move. REMEMBER to keep all screws and bolts together in a bag and attach to the furniture it belongs to.

Top Tip 3:

The day before MOVING DAY! By now the house should be packed and ready to move. Of course, there will be those essential items that you have left out because you still need that cup of tea to get you out of bed in the morning. However, today is the day to ensure you have enough boxes to pack those final items. See below some of the essential items that may be out on moving day:

1 – Clothes / Toiletries

2 – Kettle / Breakfast material (fridge/freezer contents)

3 – Bedding

EVERYTHING, you do not need now, needs to be boxed. All furniture, that needs to be collapsed is collapsed, all white goods are unplugged and ready to be moved except fridge/freezers. It is important that you are ready for moving day because this will help reduce your stress, ensure that the day runs smoothly, keeps your removal companies happy and may even avoid extra costs.

It is a removal companies pleasure to help their customers move from one home to another. They want to ensure that the day runs smoothly and avoid any hiccups along the way. Here at Sigma Removals Sigma Removals | removal companies in devon | Manor Self Storage & Business Park, Ipplepen, Newton Abbot TQ12 5TZ, UK, we work with our customers from day one. We help guide them, provide regular contact and offer all services that are required for moving house. It is our aim to reduce stress for all our customers on moving day.

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